Misfits (2009)

I know I’m about a thousand years behind the rest of the world (yes, a THOUSAND), but hey, whatever.

After another berserk week, I have just enough energy to quickly tell everyone that they should stop what they are doing to binge-watch Misfits.

This TV series is laugh-out-loud funny and the plot, though random, is cool enough to keep you caring (in the opposite way to how the plot of the latest season of True Blood is random enough to stop you caring).

A freak storm gives a bunch of twenty-something reprobates on community service orders a bunch of superhero powers, and they have to figure out basic life skills such as how to control their powers, how to keep them hidden, how to hide a rotting corpse… the usual.

As well as developing powers, the characters actually develop as people.


Tried both this show and Sons of Anarchy recently, as instructed by numerous people, and Sons of Anarchy was good, but a little ugly and depressing for what I’m after right now.

At the moment, I want lighthearted, funny and sexy as well as unpredictable, but I don’t want it to be dumb.

I still want it to be awesome and have good dialogue, and Misfits has this in spades.


Pinocchio (WA Ballet, His Majesty's Theatre, 2012)


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