Have you seen Stranger Things?


This new Netflix miniseries is like the love child of Stephen King and Stephen Spielberg, living life to a soundtrack by Daft Punk, but confusingly, none of those entities have actually been involved.

It's made by Matt and Ross Duffer, who are my new favourite people even though I had never heard of them before. It's got American kids riding around on bikes, it's got other kids with secret mind powers. It's got animatronic aliens, Winona Ryder doing a bang-up job as a crazy mum, a smart smalltown cop, the best theme (sounds a lot like the soundtrack for the new(er) Tron movie) and an amazing 1980s soundtrack.

It's Freaks and Geeks meets E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial meets Firestarter meets Aliens meets The Goonies. You won't believe this wasn't actually made in the 80s, so strongly will it transport you.

If you're not curious by now, there's no hope for you. I'm up to episode five and it makes me too excited to sleep.


Suspend your disbelief for new Netflix doco, Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru


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